


Concept, Model and Pilot Project of the Integration of Health and Welfare


蕭宇涵(Yu-Han Hsiao);蔡興治(Hsing-Chih Tsai);陳厚全(Hou-Chiuan Chen);戴志融(Jhih-Rong Dai);王懿範(Ye-Fan Wang);徐永年(Yuan-Nian Hsu);李孟智(Meng-Chih Lee)


衛政 ; 社政 ; 整合 ; 資訊 ; 長照 ; 全責式日照中心 ; Health care ; Welfare services ; Integration ; Informatics ; long-term care ; Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly(PACE)




6卷2期(2017 / 09 / 01)


1 - 16






Based on the experiences of European countries, the United States and Japan, the key to successfully promoting long-term care, it is necessary to integrate health care and welfare services system. Taiwan's re-organization and establishment of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in July, 2013 was the first step for this purpose. The goal was to combine medical care, living services, and nursing care together to better meet the needs and demands of older people and their families. Eight service items in 10-year long-term care plan policy were set to be increased 17 service items in long-term care 2.0 version project started in 2016. This article aims to review the history, literature review and experiences of long-term care worldwide. The article also introduces "The integration of health care and welfare Project was funded by the Ministry of Health and Welfare stating from 2016. The project is composed of three sub-projects: the integration of health and welfare services (including program of all inclusive care for the elderly), the integration of health care and welfare information system, and the integration of hospital and community health services. References and evidence for related policies and strategies are presented.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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