Objectives. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the healthcare quality, perceived value, patient satisfaction and loyalty from the viewpoint in a hospital's outpatients and their relatives. Methods. This study used a cross-sectional survey with purposive sampling to select a regional hospital's outpatients and their relatives 20 years old or above from Apr. through May 2014. We collected 448 valid questionnaires out of 500 with a response rate of 89.60%. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze test measurement and structural model. Perceived value and patient satisfaction were used as mediating variables. Results. Most of the participants were making internal medicine visits (135, 30.13%), were male (237, 52.90%) and ranged from 26-35 years old (181, 40.40%). All the measurements and potential variables in this study were interpreted and supported with adequate levels of reliability and validity. The model design performed in our study was satisfied by the preliminary fit criteria. We found a significant positive relationship between healthcare quality, perceived value and loyalty. Perceived value and satisfaction mediated the relationship between the healthcare quality and loyalty. Our study also showed that perceived value had a significantly positive impact on loyalty, and this impact was intensified via the mediator of satisfaction, meaning that perceived value was the most important factor affecting satisfaction. Moreover, satisfaction was one of the most important factors affecting loyalty. Conclusion. Our study showed that high level healthcare quality helps upgrade perceived value and satisfaction, which in turn leads to greater loyalty.
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