


Complementary Acupuncture With Rehabilitation in a Hospitalized Ischemic Stroke Patient: A Case Report


簡士傑(Shih-Chieh Jian);張淑媚(Shu-Mei Chang);謝仕福(Shi-Fu Hsieh)


針灸 ; 缺血性腦中風 ; 住院復健 ; 輔助治療 ; Acupuncture ; Ischemic stroke ; Hospitalized rehabilitation ; Complementary therapy




8卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


143 - 149




一位78歲女性患者晨醒出現右側肢體偏癱及麻木、步態不穩、輕微構音及吞嚥困難等症狀。就醫後診為左大腦缺血性中風及基底核區小洞性腦梗塞(Lacunar infarcts over basal ganglia)。後續於病房接受雙重抗血小板藥物治療(Dual Anti-platelet Agents,DAPT)、復健及中醫針灸治療。診斷後一個月轉至本院復健科住院治療三週,因患者符合西醫住院病患中醫特定疾病輔助醫療計畫資格,故同時接受針灸治療。其後於中醫科門診追蹤治療2.5個月,美國國家衛生院中風量表(National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, NIHSS)降至5分、巴氏量表(Barthel Index)恢復到70分。個案診斷後就輔以中醫治療,恢復良好,可提供腦中風住院復健患者作為輔助醫療參考。


A 78 year-old woman was found right limbs weakness and numbness, unsteady gait, mild dysarthria and dysphagia after awaken. Left hemisphere ischemic stroke was likely and lacunar infarcts over basal ganglia were found. She has received dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), rehabilitation, and complementary acupuncture treatment at the ward. One month after diagnosis, she was transferred to our hospital for further rehabilitation with complementary acupuncture treatment for 3 weeks. She was enrolled in a health project for hospitalized patients with cerebrovascular events, generated by the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA). She has kept acupuncture treatment at our outpatient department of Traditional Chinese Medicine for two and a half months; the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) decreased to 5 points and the Barthel Index increased to 70 points. The patient has received complementary acupuncture treatment soon after the stroke occurred, with adequate clinical improvement, who might be an example for patients hospitalized with cerebrovascular events.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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