Correctional institutes have some health issues, included overcrowding, easy spread of transmissible diseases, lack of infection control personnel, overuse of antibiotics, and emergence of antibiotic resistance. These remained unaddressed until 2013, when prison inmates were granted the right to enroll in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance copayment program. This study explored the spectra of infectious diseases, causal pathogens, and approaches to treatment in a prison in Taoyuan. Between 2016 and 2017, the prison had 58,767 ambulatory visits. Antibiotics were given in 4,433 (7.5%) visits, 87.5% of the visits being for skin and soft tissue infections. One hundred fifty samples (3.4%) obtained from 102 patients were sent for culturing. Fifty-three (52.0%) showed negative growth. Thirty-three patients provided bacterial cultures for skin and soft tissue infections, with 63.6% of pathogens Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Totally 2,677 inmates had received antibiotics, receiving 13.2 defined daily dose for an average of 11.5 days. Amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid made up 59% of antimicrobial prescriptions. Antimicrobials recommended for MRSA infections(e.g.,doxycycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and fucidic acid)only made up 10.2%. In conclusion, healthcare professionals in this prison need updating regarding the choice of antibiotics available with particular attention paid to those more appropriately prescribed for MRSA-related skin and soft tissue infections.
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