


Introduction to the Total Hospital Risk Adjustment Transfer Funding Scheme (Taking Eastern District of National Health Insurance Administration as an Example)


李名玉(Min-Yu Lee);羅亦珍(Yi-Chen Lo);陳星助(Hsing-Chu Chen);郭曉菁(Siao-Jing Guo)


醫療資源 ; 區域整合 ; 遠距健康照護 ; 健康不平等 ; 風險移撥款 ; Medical resources ; Integrated care ; Tele-healthcare ; Health inequalities ; Risk transfer funding allocated




10卷2期(2021 / 07 / 01)


125 - 134






The National Health Insurance program in Taiwan was social stability in the spirit of self-help, mutual assistance, and risk goals include "improving public health" and "health care sustainability." Due to the change in population structure has had an, increasing impact on medical expenses, with over the years becoming on 8% higher on average than income, imbalance income and expenditure for the Bureau of National Health Insurance. Additionally, average life expectancy life in the Huadong area in the Eastern District is lower than the national average, indicating that the people in Huadong entered the stage of high medical consumption earlier than the people in other five areas. Eastern District used risk adjustment transfer funds to study promote medical regional integration. Results showed a need to better a Huadong cancer continuous care network, develop remote consultations, medical treatments, and remote wound consultations, and rationally allocate and medical resources in advance. In conclusion, it was foung the Eastern District (urgently) as well as the national healthcare system in general might want to incorporate "value medicine" to their plans for reform.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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