


An Improved Program for the "SAFE" Education Protocol for Impaired Swallowing in Patients Receiving Home Care Services


林淑女(Hsu-Nu Lin);吳富美(Fu-Mei Wu);黃怡佳(I-Chia Hung);游宜珍(Yi-Chen Yu);張丞淯(Cheng-Yu Chang)


吞嚥困難 ; "SAFE"教育 ; 吞嚥功能障礙 ; 居家護理 ; Dysphagia ; "SAFE" education protocol ; Impaired swallowing ; Home care services




10卷2期(2021 / 07 / 01)


83 - 102






Dysphagia, which is difficulty swallowing caused by several disease that affect the nervous system, oral and esophageal cancer, and GERD, can lead to some nutrition imbalance as well as chest infections including aspiration pneumonia and choking, both life threatening. The purpose of this project was to promote the swallowing ability and functional evaluation (SAFE) education protocol among homecare service personnel and assess the effectiveness education program on caretaker improvement impaired swallowing in patients receiving home care services.Caretakers were assessed for knowledge of swallowing function and use of swallowing training protocol. Swallowing function initially assessed in 23 patients diagnosed with dysphagia from November 2015 to June 2016 and later assessed in 23 patients October 2016 to January 2018. Initial assessed of caretakers revealed that only 61.8% of them understood swallowing function and only 21.7% practiced swallowing training in their home care services due to lack of standardized swallowing training procedures, related knowledge and skills, and related educational resources. To solve these problems, we formulated standardized swallowing training programs and checklists, patient information leaflets in both Chinese and Indonesian, and educational media. After training, 92.3%. of the caretakers demonstrated adequate knowledge of swallowing function and 21 of 23 patients (91.3%) increased by at least one level in swallowing function score. The "SAFE" education protocol improved the safety of patients with dysphagia, decreased the incidence of choking and the need for nasogastric tubes, and improved the quality of home care services.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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