Objectives. This research was to understanding the current status of preschool educators in central Taiwan regarding influenza prevention cognition and behavior. It also analyzes the predictive power of influenza prevention behavior for different background variables and influenza prevention cognition. Methods. Using the questionnaire survey method, this research used a self-made questionnaire as a research tool, using stratified random sampling, and finally obtained a total of 738 valid samples. The author uses descriptive statistics, and stepwise multiple regression to analyze. Results. For the preschool educators in the central region, they have reached partial agreement in terms of influenza prevention cognition. As for the aspects of the Influenza Prevention Cognition Scale, the scores are ranked from high to low as: "interpersonal influence", "action-related feelings", "perceived benefits of action and self-efficacy" and "perceived barriers to action". For the preschool educators in the central region, they have reached partial agreement in terms of influenza prevention behavior. The scores for each aspect of the Influenza Prevention Behavior Scale are ranked from high to low: "Reduce the ways and opportunities of infection", "Influenza vaccine administration" and "Improve personal immunity". For the residential area of preschool educators in the central region, the nature of the preschool, the age, the number of influenza vaccinations in the past three years and the cognition of influenza prevention of the three subscales of "perceived benefits of action and self-efficacy", "action-related feelings" and "Interpersonal Influence" are predictive of influenza prevention behavior. Conclusion. Based on the results of this research, the author puts forward relevant suggestions: The competent health authority can publicize the importance and safety of influenza vaccination through multiple methods, and preschools should take the initiative to provide professional information sources on influenza prevention for preschool educators.
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