
An Ancient Disease and Its Diagnoses in Chinese Traditional Medical Scriptures-A Study in Comparative Perspective




鄭玫(Mei Cheng);周立偉(Li-Wei Chou);林昭庚(Jaung-Geng Lin)


Child impotency disease ; Second time incapacitation ; Atrophy ; Poliomyelitis sequela ; Quasi Polio ; 小兒中風 ; 二次失能 ; 類小兒麻痺 ; 小兒痿症後遺症 ; 中醫痿症




11卷2期(2022 / 07 / 01)


1 - 16




Given that acute polio (also known as infantile paralysis) has been raging in the West for nearly four thousand years, breaking out in dozens of countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Africa, and 16 states, including Illinois and Minnesota, in the United States from 2013 to 2018. The 152 cases of Quasi Polio all caused damage or paralysis. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the disease a public health risk. This study aims to enable doctors and patients who do not perceive or care about this disease to prevent and treat it and this paper may be able to promote the physical and mental health of children and bring great improvement to our society and culture. The research method is not interpreting ancient books with modern biomedicine terms or judging whether ancient medical classics can be contributed in modern light, but by going back to the ancient books and examining the context, this paper may be able to shed some light on the content and synergistic effects produced in the modern medicine. In the process of this research, comparing the medical principles, methods, and opinions of ancient diseases with the doctors in the ancient books thoroughly so as to highlight the ingenuity in different times and spaces and illuminate the relationship among the ancient diseases, medicine as well as social environment in general. Chinese medicine believes "every picture tells a story", referring to the correlation between internal and external organs. While harmonizing someone's "Internal" organs, even if his four limbs as "External" organs are unable to retract and stretch actively, they are bound to rehabilitate. Activating the dormant anterior horn nerve cells before hibernation, nerve fibers are able to regain consciousness and deformities, the deformity and pain are disappearing gradually, the muscles are regenerating as well as the mobility is strengthening, which consists with medicine for extending time and tide and Chinese medicine for extending life.


肆虐近4千年西方急性脊髓灰白質炎(又稱小兒痿症或小兒麻痺)2013-18年襲捲亞洲、非洲、中東、美洲數十國家暨美國伊利諾洲、明尼蘇達等16州爆發類小兒麻痺症(Quasi Polio)152個病例,均脊髓神經受損或癱瘓,世界衛生組織(WHO)宣告為公共衛生緊急事件;面對如此野火燒不盡春風吹又生的頑疾,遂有研究之念,旨在讓不太認識或關心此疾的醫家與病家,能進一步預防、治療以促使幼兒身心健康並為社會文化帶來更大改善。研究方法上,並非以現代生物醫學解讀古籍或判別古醫學經典是否重大貢獻,而係將古籍回溯至歷史洪流中,考據其脈絡、內容暨對當今醫學所能產生的協同效應。研究過程中,將古卷醫家對古疾萌生的醫道、醫法、醫見,仔細對照,藉以凸顯「西」病「東」醫不同時空交會的火花,讓古疾、醫學與社會關聯脈絡更加分明。研究結果,中醫所宗的「有諸内必行諸外」,調和「諸内」的五臟六腑,「諸外」四肢能縱不能收、屈伸不利等現象必能修復,啟動休眠前角神經細胞,神經纖維得以復甦清醒,畸形逐漸消失,疼痛不再、肌肉再生,活動力增強,應驗了醫學為生命增加歲月,中醫使歲月增加生命。

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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