


Translation Road from Precision Medicine to Precision Health after SARS-CoV2 pandemic


王怡人(I-Jen Wang);王淑麗(Shu-Li Wang)


精準醫療 ; 生物資料庫 ; 基因體學 ; 暴露體學 ; 世代追蹤 ; 兒童 ; Precision medicine ; Biobank ; Genomics ; Exposome ; Cohort follow-up ; Children




12卷3期(2023 / 11 / 01)


1 - 10






Precision medicine utilizes advanced techniques such as companion diagnostics, biomarkers, and molecular screening to apply big data analysis in order to identify the most suitable treatment approach for each individual. It also takes into consideration individual genetics, lifestyle, and clinical information to further monitor the health status of populations, known as "precision health." By observing the interaction between disease history and genetics, as well as environmental factors, more precise risk prediction models can be established, reducing the wastage of healthcare resources and maximizing treatment effectiveness. Investing in precision medicine for children allows for the rapid identification of disease-causing genes or environmental factors, enabling early and accurate screening for prevention. It can also reduce healthcare costs and decrease infant mortality rates. For example, the UK is currently establishing a database containing the birth generation data of 200,000 newborn families. This database utilizes precision medicine techniques to detect treatable diseases and identify disease-causing genes or environmental factors at an early stage. By combining genomic and exposomic information, it delves deep into the causes of diseases, allowing populations to begin their lives with a reduced risk of illness and moving toward precision health. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation, but how does precision medicine transition into precision health? This will be discussed in three parts: 1. Precision medicine during the pandemic; 2. Considerations involving genes, environment, and precision medicine, including generational tracking and the application of multi-body studies; 3. Recommendations for progressing from precision medicine to overall health.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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