


Using Quality Control Circle Method to Reduce the Rate of HbA1c>9% in Outpatients with Diabetes


劉玉蓮(Yu-Lien Liu);鄧琇云(Siou-Yun Deng);賴昱臻(Yu-Chen Lai);游玉琳(Yu-Lin You);張秋密(Ciou-Mi Jhang);楊舒閔(Shu-Min Yang);許啟松(Chi-sung Hsu);林育玲(Yu-Ling Lin);劉惠瑚(Hui-Hu Liu);賴慧貞(Huey-Jen Lay)


全院門診糖尿病人 ; 糖化血色素 ; 品管圈手法 ; Outpatients with diabetes in the hospital ; Glycosylated hemoglobin ; Quality control circle




12卷3期(2023 / 11 / 01)


37 - 48






Diabetes is a complex chronic disease, and this issue has been considered important. In 2020, the rate of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C)>9% in outpatients with diabetes in our hospital was as high as 10.5%, which initiated the motivation to improve. According to quality control methods, the real reasons of the high rate were: 1. Many patients refused to inject insulin and had no awareness of the disease; 2. The patients had insufficient knowledge of carbohydrates and were caused by incontinence of food on festivals; 3. Outdoor exercise was restricted by the epidemic situation; 4.Unable to track patients regularly and many physicians lacked of the qualifications of diabetes shared care network, 5. Lack of systematic management tools. Using PDCA to improve countermeasures, including making multilingual medical and patient sharing decision-making insulin creative teaching materials, strengthen carbohydrate awareness, home exercise process planning and training, improving physician certification and interdisciplinary care. The results of the improvement found that the rate of HbA1C>9% of diabetics in our hospital dropped to 8.7%. It showed that this project really helped to improve the quality of care for diabetics.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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