


The Current Situation and Challenges of Healthcare in an Outlying Island of Taiwan, Taking Kinmen Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare as an Example


李育溥(Yu-Pu Li);王世典(Shih-Tien Wang);董文雅(Wen-Ya Tung);陳根雄(Ken-Hsiung Chen);陳義榮(Yi-Jung Chen);陳素嬌(Su-Chiao Chen);張婉茹(Wan-Ju Chang)


金門醫院 ; 醫療資源不足 ; 空中轉診 ; 公費醫師 ; Kinmen Hospital ; Inadequate medical resources ; Aeromedical transportation ; Government-sponsored physicians




12卷3期(2023 / 11 / 01)


97 - 108






Kinmen Hospital, affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), is located on a remote island of Taiwan. It was originally belonged to Kinmen County, then was reorganized and subject to the governance of the MOHW. As the only hospital in the county, regardless of the severity of the illness, they all come to Kinmen Hospital for help. When patients require a referral, they would be transferred to Taiwan via aerotransportation. Considering the inadequate medical resources on the island, central and local governments proactively train local students to become competent physicians. Due to the small resident population in the county, the medicine market is limited, posing challenges in managing Kinmen Hospital. Therefore, the hospital actively seeks resource subsidies from the central and local governments. The medical collaboration between Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) and Kinmen Hospital has been long-standing, as a result, in 2015, a tripartite cooperative model was further established among MOHW, Kinmen County Government, and TVGH. Increasing physician manpower and establishing hardware equipment are among the ways to improve the healthcare environment. However, both manpower and equipment are not only assets but also costs. In the coming years, Kinmen Hospital would face challenges in accommodating an excessive number of government-sponsored physicians. The central and local governments should promptly consider measures to address this situation.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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