


Interpretation of "The Doctrine of the Mean" in the Confucian Analects: Yong Ye




施盈佑(Ying‐Yo Shih)


中 ; 中庸 ; 不變 ; 庸 ; 雍也 ; 論語 ; 變 ; change ; the Confucian Analects ; the doctrine of the mean ; unchange ; yong ; yong ye ; zhong




1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


209 - 235






The meaning and concept of ”the doctrine of the mean” was paid much more attention in the book ”The Doctrine of the Mean”. However, as we all know, there are literal accords about ”the doctrine of the mean” in the Confucian Analects: Yong Ye too. For this reason, this paper tries to explore what the meaning and thought of ”the doctrine of the mean” in the Confucian Analects: Yong Ye, and focuses on the doctrine of the mean in the Confucian Analects: Yong Ye but the one discussed elsewhere. What is more, when researchers discussed the interpretation of the doctrine of the mean in the book ”The Doctrine of the Mean”, they focused on the particular paragraph in the Confucian Analects: Xian Jin, i.e.”Shih goes beyond the due mean, and Shang does not come up to it”. But if we believe the Confucian Analects should have some kind of compact structure, we then have enough reasons to focus on the Confucian Analects: Yong Ye. This paper chooses ”change‐unchange”as the interpretative perspective and divides this paper into two major parts: one is ”zhong” of ”there is change inside unchange”; the other is ”yong” of ”there is unchange inside change”. By this means, this paper tries to explain the Confucian Analects: Yong Ye completely and uncovers the possible meaning of the doctrine of the mean in the Confucian Analects.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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