题名 |
中國姓氏源流大典序 |
并列篇名 |
The Dictionary of the Origin and Development of Chinese Family Name |
10.29940/JCLPU.201206.0010 |
作者 |
虞萬里(Wan-Li Yu) |
关键词 | |
期刊名称 |
靜宜中文學報 |
卷期/出版年月 |
1期(2012 / 06 / 01) |
页次 |
261 - 263+265-284 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
自鄭樵提出“三代之前,姓氏分而爲二”,“三代之後,姓氏合而爲一”之觀點後,姓氏二分概念已深入人心。然筆者從“姓”與“氏”的字形起源和殷周歷史考察,夏商之際只有氏而不重視姓,西周統治者總結殷亡歷史教訓,在大封同姓的同時,提出血緣之“姓”的概念,並在禮制、禮俗中予以强調,以期達到周代姬姓長治久安的政治目的。此一政治策略隨着周代王權式微而告終,姓與氏也就合而爲一。今所見滙集先秦姓氏之書以清人所輯的《世本》爲最早,東漢王符、應劭相繼作《姓氏篇》滙集姓氏。由於六朝崇尚門閥,竟編族譜,致使族姓顯赫,庶姓僻姓不顯。宋初始有較爲純粹的姓氏書出現,但所收姓氏有限。南北宋之交出現鄭樵《通志‧氏族略》和鄧名世《古今姓氏書辨證》,使姓氏書編纂與理論有一新的突破。明代以還關注遼金元三朝姓氏,使姓氏數量激增。近現代姓氏學者從考古與出土文獻上更進一步開拓了研究範圍,廣泛收集甲骨卜辭、銅器銘文、秦漢璽印上的姓氏,將中國數千年來所用過的姓氏漸次呈現出來,爲編纂大型姓氏詞典打下了基礎。當代收羅齊全、體例完善的姓氏詞典應推袁義達、邱家儒《中國姓氏大辭典》和徐鐵生《中國姓氏源流大典》。徐氏《源流大典》收録古今姓氏31200條,是目前所收姓氏最多的一部辭典。 |
英文摘要 |
After 鄭樵Cheng Chiao brought up the view‐point of the family name that it was divided into two parts before the period of Three Dynasty and then it was united into one, the family name should be divided into two parts has deeply rooted in people's heart.The writer has found at the time of 夏 Hsia and 商Shang people only paid attention to first name and didn't think highly of family name. In order to have long period of political stability, the ruler of 西周West Chou brought up the concept of ties of blood, and emphasized it in ceremony. This political stability strategy came to an end as the declining of royalty, family name and first name merged into one. Now the earliest book about family name in 先秦Hsien Chin is 世本Shih Pen compiled in 清朝Ching Dynasty. 西漢East Han 王符 Wang Fu and 應劭Yin Shao successively compiled a book called 姓氏篇Hsing Shih Pian.Due to the advocate of family power and influence, people began to compile family tree in 六朝 Liu Zhao. It caused the illustrious of family name and the neglect of common people. Until the early 宋朝Song Dynasty, a few absolute family name appeared . The book 通志氏族略 ”Tong Chih Shih Tsu Liue ” by 鄭樵Cheng Chiao and the book 古今姓氏書辨證”Gu Jin Hsing shih Shu Bian Cheng” by 鄧名世 Den Min Shih was a breakthrough to the compilation and theory of first name book. In 明代Ming Dynasty, people also paid close attention to the family name in the dynasty of 遼Liao, 金Jin, and 元 Yuan. The number of family increased.The contemporary scholars also collect and compile the family name from oracle inscription, bronze inscription, and imperial seal in Chin Dynasty and Hen Dynasty. This compilation and collection gradually showed all the family names in China.Now the most complete and perfect family name dictionary is written by 袁義達Yuan Yi Da, 邱家如Chiu Jia Ru, and 徐鐵生Hsu Tie Sheng. Their books are 中國姓氏大辭典Chung Kuo Hsing Shih Da chi Dian and 中國姓氏源流大典 Chung Kuo Hsing Shih Yuan Liu Da Dian. Mr. Hsu's 源流大典 ”Yuan Liu Da Dian” includes 31200 family names. It is the most numerous so far. |
主题分类 |
人文學 >
語言學 人文學 > 中國文學 人文學 > 藝術 |
参考文献 |