


The Order and Tones of New Parallel Compound Words Had Been Translated from the Buddhist Scripture in Eastern Han Dynasty


郭懿儀(Yi-Yi Kuo)


並列式複合詞 ; 東漢佛經 ; 四聲 ; bisyllabic copulative compound ; Buddhist Scripture ; four tones




3期(2013 / 06 / 01)


141 - 185






In this study, collectred the bisyllabic copulative compound words in the Buddhist Scripture had written at the Eastern Han Dynasty. And, rummaged bisyllabic copulative compounds which didn't appeared in the books written before the Eastern Han Dynasty. These compounds called ”the new of bisyllabic copulative compound”. Beca-use the translators who was translated the Buddhist Scripture at the Eastern Han Dynasty, all came from an-xi country and rou-zhi country. When they came to China and learned Chinese. Then, they stared to translate he Buddhist Scripture. But, their native language was not Chinese, they created ”the new of bisyllabic copulative compounds” by translation. They had been maken new compounds for Choinese. The Eastern Han Dynasty was the evolution of ancient Chinese to Middle Chinese transition. Although the amplitude of the voice changes are not yet apparent in the Eastern Han Dynasty. But the vocabulary of change has begun. In this paper, analyzed the structure and arrangement of these bisyllabic copulative compounds. Then compared to analysis between ancient Chinese. The results proved that the arrangement of compounds between ”the new of bisyllabic copulative compounds” at the Eastern Han Dynasty and the compounds of ancient Chinese were same. Both of the arrangement arranged in order. Just a little bit different is the rate of ”departing tone-entering tone” and ”entering tonedeparting tone” opposited. This phenomenon proved the tones development of the Eastern Han Dynasty has been maturing. And, the four tones discrete has been completed in the Eastern Han Dynasty Buddhist scriptures.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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