


On the "Character" Theories of "Chin Sheng‐T'an's P'ing‐Tien Water Margin"-Novels "Methods of Characterization" and its Aesthetic Principles


呂素端(Su‐Duan Lu)


金聖歎 ; 評點 ; 《水滸傳》 ; 人物塑造 ; 美學原則 ; Chin Sheng‐T'an ; P'ing‐Tien ; Water Margin ; Characterization ; Aesthetic Principles




3期(2013 / 06 / 01)


27 - 77






About Chin Sheng‐T'an's ”character” theories, and a large number, but the construction of the ”theoretical framework” and ”criticism term” of the Chin Sheng‐T'an's literary theory itself, but still paid lacking. This paper is a response to these two points, trying to reconstruct the character's theoretical system of Chin Sheng‐T'an P'ing‐Tien Water Margin, Divided into six levels, including the characterization of the character, type, form and meaning, methods, evaluation and other problems related to characters and so on. PartⅠwill focus on only three previous former: character, types of characters, characters arranged in the form and meaning. PartⅡ will focus on discussion the fourth floor novella: methods of characterization. Next will focus on the second floor after exposition: evaluation of characters, and other issues associated with the characters and so on. This is PartⅡ, will ”Preface” the writing on the motivation of this paper, the previous problem and has conclude, and then have to deal with the problem for a brief description. This paper will focus on exploring methods of characterization of Chin Sheng‐T'an P'ing‐Tien Water Margin, which is equivalent to today's ”characterization” issue. Therefore, this paper will first explore these methods behind the ”aesthetic principles”, cited a total of seven, all phrase from the Chin Sheng‐T'an P'ing‐Tien Water Margin. Next on his methods of characterization, a total of twenty analyzed and summarized for each one, among the segments. Expect help to deepen knowledge and understanding of unique narrative methods and aesthetic care, and both theoretical, critical and creative effectiveness of the practice.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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