


Era of Suffering-On the Sino-Japanese War Poetry


張柏恩(Bo-En Chang)


甲午戰爭 ; 戰爭詩 ; 詩史 ; 時代苦難 ; Sino-Japanese War ; War Poetry ; History of Poetry ; Era of Suffering




5期(2014 / 06 / 01)


151 - 178






Liang Qichao (梁啟超) said: "Arouse my country, four thousand years of dreams, real since the Sino-Japanese war (甲午戰爭) begins." 1894 Sino-Japanese War the Qing government defeated efforts since the Opium War, China into a great trauma. In 1895, the Treaty of Shimonoseki (馬關條約) humiliating intellectuals are not only worried about China, and the great national pain. Sino-Japanese poet generally suffering through poetic works reflect the times. In view of this, the sight of the cultural trauma theory, trying to investigate the presence of the Sino-Japanese war poet for discourse, how to create suffering memory of the times? Way through the writing of the history of the event history and biography, an increase which classical poetry? This paper discusses the Sino-Japanese war poems to "the Department of things" and "people line thing". The majority of its misery narrative focus on characters, the contrast between man and the things the master-slave relationship that, the events shaping human development must be brought into the characterization of fine or not, also related event representations are complete. The poet by important battleground events carving heart there is a sense of depth; The poet via the generals of the Nation, the characterization of distress civilians, focusing the memory of the suffering of the times. In the narratives, the poet draws the narrative of the novel, in addition to the description of the event program, has also focused on the background of the event, as well as results, the impact of in-depth narrative, the narrative of the legendary and the twists and turns of the plot. Sino-Japanese poet inherited the spirit of the "epic" (詩史) since Du Fu (杜甫), by way of trauma narrative, witness the suffering of the times, the achievements of the late Qing poetry narrative features.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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