


The road to self-redemption:──Body Writing in Yan LianKe’s The Four Books


楊森(Sen Yang)


《四書》 ; 身體 ; 閻連科 ; 自我救贖 ; Four Books ; body ; Yan LianKe ; self-salvation




8期(2015 / 12 / 01)


127 - 148






As the most influential and controversial writer in current Chinese mainland, Yan Lianke (閻連科) (1958-)recently even has become the second Asian writer who have acquired the literary award of Franz Kadka behind Karuki Murakami The Four Books (《四書》)(2014)of Yan Lianke narrates "the Great Famine in three years" and "Anti-Rightist Movement", etc., historical events. In the novel, desire is mingled and mixed with fear. As "useless" sinners, intellectuals have transformed themselves into "useful" men through carnal disciplines. Yan Lianke finds out subtly that "saving children" proposed by Lu Xun can’t be reached by intellectuals, and they even can't save themselves in the deeper historical catastrophes. Therefore, he creates the new fable of "save by children". This paper exerts on discussing body writing in The Four Books and regards "carnal tame", "hungry humiliation", "blood" and "no-escape destiny" as plots to reflect on the Yan Lian's intention of writing. During the period of the Great Famine, whether the "dog eat dog" occurring in intellectuals predicts the collapse of modern Chinese ethical order? Yan Lianke how to enter into the "black world" of the heart in the way of carnal writing? The rewritten "the Myth of Sisyphus" implied what's kind of reflection, and this is also the orientation and significance discussed by the paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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