


A Study of The Culture Meaning of Festivals in The Structure Patterns of “Chun Lan and Qiu Ju” in The Poetry Collection during Six Dynasties


李珮慈(Pei-Tzu Lee)


屈賦 ; 漢魏晉南北朝詩賦 ; 墓誌銘 ; 春蘭秋菊 ; 歲時節令 ; Qu Yuan’s Fu ; poetry collection during Six Dynasties ; epitaph during Six Dynasties ; chunlanqiuju, rituals and festivals




8期(2015 / 12 / 01)


25 - 58






There are some literature phenomenon of parallelism and proportion in the Chinese Literature history, and they become kinds of literary stereotypes that many followers to imitate. The structure patterns of "chunlan and qiuju" in the poetry collection during Six Dynasties are kinds of objects among these literary models. It origins in the "chunlan xi qiujuzhangwujue xi zhonggu" in 'Jiu Ge, Li Hun.' "Chun lan" and "qiuju" are paralleled in this essay, to be more precisely, these literary terms show the connection between the chunlan and qiuju and the ceremony and ritual in the spring and the autumn. This opinion of Gomei and She ceremonies which combines agriculture and love seems a conclusion in Chinese Literature history; furthermore, the ceremony and ritual in spring and autumn in the late Qin Dynasty not merely the form of impetrate children but also the folklore meaning of "chun qi qiubao." According to the poetry collection during Six Dynasties which inherited the Qu Yuan’s Fu, in the formulas of prose Fu and epitaph, appear with the structure pattern of "chunlan and qiuju,"──including the juxtaposed words of "lan" and "ju"are the literary phenomenon. There are not merely the intertextuality of the writers' writing and epitaph but lots of literary echoes and allusions in these literary phenomenons. This essay wants to search the structure pattern of "chunlan and qiuju" in the poetry collections during Six Dynasties in the process alluded Qu Yuan’s Fu shows the inheritance of "chunlan xi qiujuzhangwujue xi zhonggu" in 'Jiu Ge, Li Hun.' I want to search the festivals cultural meaning in this kind of cultural phenomenon and find the ritual functions of the plants of "lan" and "ju" in the spring and the autumn. This essay wants to use the folklore’s viewof festivals, and analyzes the text to talk about the cultural causes in these literary phenomenons. For the understandable purpose, this essay separated the writing of "chun/lan" and "qiu/ju;" in truth, these words should consider as a whole. And I sincerely hope this essay could make the search of structure pattern of "chunlan and qiuju" during Six Dynasties more deeply.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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