


The Cause and Effect of Zhu Zi's Involvement with Zen and the Transition


黃朝和(Chao-He Huang)


朱子理學 ; 行腳參學 ; 大慧宗杲 ; 看話禪 ; 密菴道謙 ; Zhu Zi philosophy ; Xing Jian Can Xue ; Da Hui Zong Guo ; Kan Han Chan ; Mi An Dao Qian




9期(2016 / 06 / 01)


135 - 162






Zhu Zi Li philosophy is derived from many former scholars' theories; for instance, his thinking follows two famous scholars, Cheng Zis thoughts of the Northern Song Dynasty, which are anti-Buddhism and difficult to compromise. Besides, his main ideas comply with Yi-Chuan's "Xing-Li" and form a faction of Cheng Zhu's philosophy, which is in the opposite of Xiang Shan philosophy of the mind. However, these two factions name each other as Zen philosophy. In the rebirth movements of New Confucianism, Buddhism was regarded as heresy and Zen as paganism. Most scholars believed Xiang Shan philosophy's simplicity principles were similar to those of Zen. But, in fact, Zhu Zi didn't quite distinguish Confucianism from Buddhism before aged 31. He had learned Zen for over ten years before his transition; at that time, Zen's principles were the essential elements for passing national exams. Zhu Zi's thoughts had matured completely at aged 41, but he still instructed his disciples to practice Buddhist monks' Xing Jian Can Xue to learn extensive and intensive knowledge at his later years. Generally speaking, Zhu Zi's scholastic achievements, besides his original Confucianism, his delicate thoughts and clear mind were also influenced by Buddhism, from which he had been inspired a lot during his learning of Zen. This article attempts to start from his "Kan Hua Chan" process of learning Zen from Da Hui Zong Gao and Mi An Duo Qian at his early age, and his emphases on Xing Jian Can Xue. Then it continues to address his transition in Zen learning and his research methods and attitudes in achieving academic studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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