


On the Two-Level Framework for Buddha-Anusmṛti in Mohe boruo boluomi jing


張慧芳(Huey-Fang Chang)


摩訶般若波羅蜜經 ; 念佛 ; 般舟三昧 ; 十方佛 ; 福田 ; Mohe boruo boluomi jing ; Buddha-Anusmṛti ; pratyutpanna ; buddhas of the ten directions ; field of merit




9期(2016 / 06 / 01)


27 - 45






The core teaching in Mohe boruo boluomi jing(《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》) is the wisdom. However, a complete teaching in Buddha-Anusmṛti(佛隨念)is given. There are two main characteristics in this teaching: 1. Starting from conditioned phenomena with advantageous rewards; 2. Based upon pratyutpanna, continuously seeing Buddhas of the ten directions and, finally, becoming a Buddha. In this paper, a two-level framework is proposed to explain the complete practicing path of Buddha-Anusmṛti. The framework is composed of three parts: the 1^(st) stage, the 2^(nd) stage and the bridge connecting these two stage. The connecting bridge is called "pratyutpanna"(般舟三昧)。The 1^(st) stage is the Buddha-Anusmṛti with conditioned phenomena. In the 1^(st) stage, to gain the field of merit acts as the motivation for Buddha-Anusmṛti. Based on the concept of field of merit, the concept of pan-Buddhism is developed. In the 2^(nd) stage, the Buddha-Anusmṛti is continuously expanding to Buddhas of the ten directions. Though pratyutpanna, the connecting bridge, is not mentioned in Mohe boruo boluomi jing, Dazhi du lun takes pratyutpanna as the core of the Buddha-Anusmṛti in Mohe boruo boluomi jing. It is shown in this paper that pratyutpanna is a short-cut for transition from the 1^(st) stage to the 2^(nd) stage.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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