


Literary Interpretation of shijing (Poetry Classic)-illustrated by Shijing oujian (The Occasional Annotations on The Book) by Wan Shihuain late Ming Dynasty


陳明義(Ming Yi Chen)


詩經 ; 萬時華 ; 詩經偶箋 ; 文學詮釋 ; Book of Odes ; Wan Shihua,Shi Jing'Ou Jian ; Literary interpretation




10期(2016 / 12 / 01)


53 - 75






From Han Dynasty to mid Tang Dynasty, the Book of Odes had been primarily interpreted from the perspectives of classics, political and educational doctrines; in comparison, few interpretations elaborate on the literary contributions of the Book. However, literary interpretations on the Book of Odes have been flourishing for a long period during the 70 years after Emperor Wan-li ascended to the throne, when the scholarly mainstream is in favor of lyrics instead of reasoning, when the government recruit officials by the eight-part essays they wrote in the imperial civil service examinations, when the literary criticism became very popular, and poetry writing made a giant progress. The Book of Odes is not only an ancient classic of Confucianism, but also poetry collection, and a literary work. Thus, it takes a collective view of classic and literary interpretations to have a comprehensive understanding of the book. This study explores Shi Jing'Ou Jian by Wan Shihua, a scholar in the late Ming Dynasty, who states that literati today see the Book of Ode as a classic, but not a poetry collection. This study focuses on the biographical facts of Wan, his writing and formal styles, literary interpretations of Shi Jing'Ou Jian to foreground its characteristics in interpreting the Book of Odes. In addition, the significance and values, and influence of Shi Jing'Ou Jian's interpreting the Book of Odes are also explored in the study.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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