


Post-modern Historical Narrative and Identity writing: On the transition of narrative Luo Yijun's The Moon Family Name and A Far Land


林佩珊(Lin, Pei- Shan)


駱以軍 ; 後現代 ; 歷史言說 ; 身世書寫 ; Luo Yijun ; Post-modern ; Historical Narrative ; Identity writin




11期(2017 / 06 / 01)


137 - 160






This research aims to articulate the architype and the meta-technique of identity narrative in many Luo's novels in his early career. Moreover, in Yueqiu Xingshi (The Moon Family Name), this writing style transits from the blurring reality into historical narrative. Luo, in the biographical fictions, also has to untangle the obscurity of his identity. Narrative identity, in The Moon Family Name, is represented through the story of the narrator's father, and it causes the narrator to question the reality of history from his father and to speculate about reconstructing identity.The narrative in Luo’s novel is not closely related to the narrator's quest of memory to father's homeland, but to the meditation about his father's story based on the narration of landscape of Taiwan. Therefore, the desolate landscapes in the ethnic narration primarily reflects the disappointment and frustration during the quest of identity. In Yuan Fang (The Far Land), the way of narrative is shifted. When viewing the landscape of Mainland China, the narrator gains the authority of telling history. The view of the landscape of Mainland China evokes the narrator's connection with Taiwan. This part of narration symbolizes a significant transition from fiction to reality.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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