


A Study of a Ranking Official of the Qing Li Nan Who Indorsed the Opera Taohua Shan and Li’s Clan of The Xinghua County


陳大道(Chen, Ta-tao)


桃花扇 ; 孔尚任 ; 明遺民 ; 李長科 ; 李清 ; 李柟 ; Taohua Shan Opera ; Kong Shangren ; adherents of Ming Dynasty ; Li Changke ; Li Qing ; Li nan




11期(2017 / 06 / 01)


45 - 72




北京「李木庵總憲」──李柟聘請戲班搬演《桃花扇》邀朝臣觀賞,被孔尚任寫入〈桃花扇本末〉。本文核對〈清史稿‧部院大臣年表〉與《重修興化縣志》發現,李柟主導《桃花扇》敲鑼打鼓上戲時,尚居三品「戶部右侍郎」,兩月後甫升任「總憲」,相對而言,孔氏在《桃花扇》傳世後遭免職。孔、李兩人仕途南轅北轍的對比,長期受忽視,又因《桃花扇》成書前,孔奉命派任蘇北治水,結識李柟興化故鄉族人,故有楠父「李清」為孔氏舊識一說。本文整理孔氏治水期間作品集《湖海集》內興化李氏族人姓名,查無李清,卻有明遺民「李長科」等。1996 年鄧長風為文強調興化李氏世代仕明,以致明亡後家族成員或殉明或隱居者,2006 年郭馨馨加以增補,二文對於仕清的李柟著墨不多,遑論提及其推廣《桃花扇》。本文認為李柟推廣《桃花扇》的因素不比孔氏寫作該劇來得單純,李柟因堂兄弟「李國宋」與孔氏有交情而贊助《桃花扇》的可能性更高。至於《桃花扇》未受文字獄查禁的原因,除了康熙對於傳統文化代表──曲阜孔府尊敬之外,亦有默認地方舊勢力並予以拉攏的因素在內。


This paper analyzes the reason causing Li Nan, a ranking official of the Qing Dynasty, to indorse the Opera Taohua Shan written by Kong Shangren. Kong, a descendant of Confucius, lost his position in the Qing government after the release of the Opera set at the eve of the Qing taking over the Southern Ming Court. Li who had managed the manuscript of the Opera to be performed, was promoted to the highest position a Han Chinese could ever reach in the Kangxi Region. This paper reads the gazettal of Li Clan’s home County, Xinghua, and finds out that the Li Clan had been working as ranking officials for the Ming for eight generations prior to the Qing took over the country. Its Clan members either killed themselves or led a hermit life when the Qing started to rule, except Li Nan and few others. Kong had assigned to fix the irrigation system around Xinghua area where made friends with local gentries including members of the Li family before the Opera was completed. Thus, this paper concludes that apart from personal preference there are at least three reasons causing Li Nan to indorse the Opera, first of all his cousin Li Guosong made friend with Kong, secondly the family obligation to the Ming, thirdly the Opera conveying similar messages in histories books by his father Li Qing, a dedicated amateur historian.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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