


A research and Analysis of the Biography Writing in Tongcheng: Being Concentrated on Xuejian Fang's work "Ershiun" in the Mid-Ming Dynasty


謝玉玲(Hsieh, Yu-Ling)


邇訓 ; 史傳文學 ; 敘事傳統 ; 桐城 ; 方學漸 ; Ershiun ; Historical literature ; Traditional narrative ; Tongcheng ; Xuejian Fang




15期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 29






Fang, Xuejian was an important pusher on the development of Tongcheng academic, and contributed a lot to the development of education in Tongcheng during the middle of the Ming Dynasty. He is also the knowledge founder of Fang family in Tongcheng. Biography articles have its special and unique status on the development of Tongcheng articles in the middle of Ming Dynasty. Fang Xuejian always emphasizes the truth in life and tries to put private morals to practice. Those of behaviors are because of the negative effects of Yang-Ming Wang's theories. The traditional writing of biography has a function of things description. "Ershiun" has been done in the middle to late Ming Dynasty and is putted into the Masters Section, novel sub-categories of "Siku Quanshu". The broad-mind idea, choice of life moral, being loyalty to friends and party or strictly adhering to own duty which presented in the book are the demonstration of Xuejian Fang's attitude and his position to everything. Not only had these ideas in the book, Xuejian Fang also wrote down some illusory plot in "Ershiun". Accordingly, the readers can easily understand the progress of Fang's opinion. Thus, this essay is trying to comb the content of "Ershiun", discuss its opinion and literary device. By this way, it would help us to get more information about the writing style of the Tongcheng biography and understand its development and influence.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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