


Exploration of the Friendship Between Monk of Loyalist, Juelang Daosheng, and Turncoat Official, Chen Ming-xia


謝明陽(Hsieh, Ming-yang)


覺浪道盛 ; 陳名夏 ; 陳丹衷 ; 李日芃 ; 方以智 ; Juelang Daosheng ; Chen Ming-xia ; Chen Dan-zhong ; Li Ri-Peng ; Fang Yi-zhi




16期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






In the early Qing Dynasty, there is a deep friendship between a monk of loyalist, Juelang Daosheng, and a turncoat official, Chen Ming-xia. This essay explores this theme. It starts from discussing Chen Dan-zhong, the one who develops the friendship of the two people. Chen Dan-zhong is a disciple of Daosheng as well as a good friend of Chen Ming-xia. Due to his coordination, Daosheng, who is in Jinling, and Chen Ming-xia, who is in Jingshi, start to write letters to each other. During the first time when they write, Daosheng wish that Chen Ming-xia can get involved in reviving the Ming Dynasty, making the sun and the moon restart to shine. Chen Ming-xia avoid this point in his reply, only expressing that Daosheng's letter makes him full of tears and joy. They write to each other the second time after they have met. Daosheng changes his statement, wishing that Chen Ming-xia won't forget the gentleman's principle of administering a country. Besides being delighted by receiving the letter, Chen Ming-xia expects that Daosheng can guide his son, Chen Yi-chen. In the end of the essay, we take two incidents as examples-Daosheng is in the jail of Taiping government in the fifth year of Shunzhi's reign (1648), and Fang Yi-zhi turns to be Daosheng's disciple in the tenth year of Shunzhi's reign (1653)- to illustrate the transition of the friendship between Daosheng and Chen Ming-xia, and Chen Ming-xia has also assist Daosheng actively.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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