


Grand Return to the Concise and Lucid Writing-To View Wong Bik-wan's Late Style from "The Re-walking of Mei-hei"


蔡宜汎(Tsai, I-Fan)


黃碧雲 ; 晚近風格 ; 微喜重行 ; 烈佬傳 ; Wong Bik-wan ; Late Style ; The Re-walking of Mei-hei ; Children of Darkness




17期(2020 / 06 / 01)


61 - 91






In recent years, Wong Bik-wan has published three fictions: "Children of Darkness" (November, 2012), "The Re-walking of Mei-hei" (July, 2014), and "The Death of Lo Kei" (July, 2018). In those fictions, she has got rid of her early fictions' contour regardless of language, narration, and the content she concerns, all of which can no longer be simply concluded by the academic circle's "Tenderness and Violence". Rather, her concise and lucid language, along with the view that is thoughtful of others has elevated the fictions to an even more spectacular and expansive vision. However, the "spectacular" here does not refer to that in the subject, but the various emotions and existing status contained in her creation. In this paper, we organized the process of Wong Bik-wan's self-breaking-through from her fictions' transformation context. On the other hand, we explored into "The Re-walking of Mei-hei" from the literary angle. By doing so, her ceaseless breaking-through and pursuit of art-forging is highly recognized, and the concise and lucid aesthetics as deep and supreme meditation at sunset is thus given birth to. By doing so, her ceaseless breaking-through and pursuit of art-forging is highly recognized, and the concise and lucid aesthetics in the form of deep and supreme meditation at the author's later year is thus given a rise to.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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