


The Great Animal: Elephants in the Ancient Vietnamese History (1)


葉少飛(Ye, Shao fei)


越南歷史 ; 白象神通 ; 貢象 ; 戰象 ; 象政 ; Ancient Vietnamese history ; Elephant army ; Elephant tribute ; Elephant politics




17期(2020 / 06 / 01)


93 - 124






Ancient Vietnamese dynasties had a large number of elephants and developed elephant army for warfare, they established the politics of elephants by themselves. While Vietnamese emperors presented tribute of elephants to Chinese dynasties, they also required neighboring countries and tribes to pay tribute elephants to themselves. The Vietnamese elephant was similar to the Southeast Asian countries in terms of war and material use, but its cultural attributes are similar to the Chinese culture. At earlier time, Vietnamese elephants had Cakravartiraja's symbol of Buddhist culture and auspicious signs of Confucianism. Later, they gradually faded away from the Buddhist attributes and became unique in Confucian cultural characteristics. Chinese envoys and monks, European soldiers and missionaries, Japanese merchants have all seen the elephants in Vietnam, then recorded or painted them. In the long-term process of domesticating and using elephants, Vietnamese have developed a profound elephant culture, which has became one of the symbols of Vietnamese national spirit. The elephants had great influences in Vietnamese history and left future generations more imaginations and impressions.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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