


Examination Journey and Self-Dialectics: Life of The Imperial Examination Quest and "Homeward South Poem" of Li Liu-Fang


王達甫(Wang, DaFu)


李流芳 ; 〈南歸詩〉 ; 科舉 ; 行旅 ; 紀行詩 ; Li Liu-Fang ; "Homeward South Poem" ; Imperial Examination ; journey ; travelogue poem




19期(2021 / 06 / 01)


19 - 50






Li Liu-Fang (1575-1629) was a native of Nanxiang, Jiading. When he was 31 (1606) he passed the Imperial Examination in his hometown. He traveled back and forth between Beijing and his hometown for 16 years (until 1622) after that. He aspired to contribute his efforts to the governance of the country. Finally, he was compelled to give up due to the double-stress of the turmoil in the kingdom and his personality being unfit for politics. Examining this 16-year period and observing the mobility process, he discovered that in the process of doubts he was torn between the double dialectics of "longing for literature and art" and "family responsibility". Regarding the spatial mobility derived from his travel as a result of taking the Imperial Examination, there are issues worthy of further examination. During the "outbound" journey, the poet had to face the "internal resistance" at heart. In the "homecoming" trip after failing the examination, he had to re-modify his self-esteem. The space and introspection had become inseparable but important issues. In the past, many critics focused on Li's reasons for giving up the Imperial Examination and the circle of his friends. Nevertheless, in this essay, it aims to reconstruct the poet himself with a close examination of Li's attempt and withdrawal in his mobility. It also re-appraises the "Homeward South Poem", which will be clarified after reexamination, with the journey as the foundation and the travelogue as the body to explore its special features. This essay consists of three sections: Section 1: Re-reading the meaning of his Imperial Examination quest throughout his life. Section 2: Examining his identification with and shift from the Imperial Examination quest. Section 3: Re-examining how Li Liu-Fang engaged in self-debate and reconstructed himself in his travelogue poems to deepen the perspectives of observing scholars and literati in the Late-Ming Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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