


A Horrible Historical Gap: Zhang Lang's "Jinyu Lu" and the "Tu Shu" Records in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty




明末清初 ; 屠蜀 ; 張獻忠 ; 四川 ; 《燼餘錄》 ; 暴力敘事 ; Late Ming and Early Qing ; Tu Shu ; Zhang Xianzhong ; Sichuan ; Jinyu Lu ; violent narrative




19期(2021 / 06 / 01)


51 - 74






"My aunts married either a Shaanxi or a Jiangsu; my eldest brother's wife came from Jiangxi and my younger brother's wife from Huguang. When relatives or friends met for the first time, they would ask each other where you was from, and no none answered they were an old Chengdu". This is a Zhuzhi poem that was popular in Chengdu during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, which is a realistic portrayal of "Huguang people emigrating to Sichuan" for a hundred years since the early Qing Dynasty. This wave of immigration is an extremely heavy stroke in the history of Chinese immigration. Today, "Tu Shu"(refers to the phenomenon of Sichuan's population decline caused by the successive years of battles in Sichuan by the leader of the Great Western Army, Zhang Xianzhong, the Qing Army and the Nanming Army)caused by Zhang Xianzhong(1606-1647)is a collective memory passed down from generation to generation in Sichuan. During the transition period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Sichuan had a cruel situation, worse than two capitals and the region south of the Yangtze River, although the scope of the war is not as wide as them. This paper is intended to explore the situation in Sichuan during the late Ming period and also discuss the local narrative characteristics in this type of writing by mainly focusing on the discussion of Zhang Lang(a Shu native who was a survivor of a disaster, 1627-1715)and his work "Jinyu Lu" as well as the voices of other survivors, and then making a comparison with the works of the Shu disaster compiled by Shu people in the Qing Dynasty in expectation of highlighting the significance of regional research in Sichuan from a perspective of repelling the Qing Dynasty different from two capitals and the region south of the Yangtze River in order to provide a different perspective from the past for the history of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and local narratives. If we explain " Analog poetry " through "objective normative"of stylistics, we can appear the value and meaning of " Analog poetry " in the Six dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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