


The Study of Interpersonal Impact and the Grief Process on Peer Accidental Death among Senior High School Students




連廷誥(Ting-Kao Lien);連廷嘉(Ting-Chia Lien)


哀傷反應 ; 高中生 ; 人際衝擊 ; 同儕死亡 ; grief reaction ; senior high school students ; interpersonal impact ; peer death




25期(2013 / 05 / 01)


113 - 165




本研究主要目的在探討高中生在經歷同儕意外死亡事件後,所呈現的哀傷歷程,以及對班級人際的衝擊。本研究採取質性研究法,以十二位高中學生為研究對象,根據親疏關係之不同,分成三組進行焦點團體訪談,所得訪談資料經轉錄為逐字稿後,萃取核心概念,歸納得到下列的結論:1. 高中生在面對同儕意外死亡事件後,會呈現出震驚、不可置信、難過、思念、失眠、逃避、無助、尋求支持等哀傷反應,以及對其未來人生觀具正向影響。2. 因同儕意外死亡而改變了原有的班級人際關係系統,班級成員彼此的關係或次系統運作都會跟著調整,以適應新的情境。3. 高中生的哀傷反應受到支持系統、個人經驗、死者和生者的關係及學校處遇措施等因素影響,不能以單一因素解釋或預測。4. 高中生得知同學死亡消息後會馬上聯絡其好友及同學,並詢問與死者較為親近的同學。並且哀傷反應會隨著與死者不同親疏關係而有所差異,與死者較為親近者的哀傷反應較強且時間也較長。最後本研究根據上述研究結果與發現,提出對青少年實施哀傷輔導及進行相關的研究建議。


The study aims to discuss the grief process and interpersonal impacts of peer accidental death among senior high students. This qualitative research divided 12 senior high students into three focus group to interview their experience, according to their relationship with the death. The collected data was typed with the interview record. The results were as following:1. When high school students encounter incidents that cause death of their cohorts, they tend to respond in manners such as expressing shock, grief, yearning for the dead, insomnia, escape from reality, feeling of helplessness, and seek for support. Their perspective on life is also affected.2. The interpersonal relationship within the class will be altered to adapt to a new environment without the lost cohort due to accidental death.3. The grief response manner, support system, personal experience, relationship between the diseased and high school students, and how schools cope with such incidents could not be predicted or explained by a single factor.4. The grief response manner of high school students differs, which is affected by how close they are with the diseased.Based on the discoveries above, suggestions related to grief counseling will be proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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