


A Study on the Career Adaptability of the NEET Becoming the EET




黃民凱(Min-Kai Huang);黃素雲(Su-Yun Huang)


尼特族 ; 非尼特族 ; 生涯適應力 ; career adaptability ; NEET ; EET




26期(2013 / 12 / 01)


103 - 127




本研究目的在於探討尼特族到非尼特族的歷程中所呈現的生涯適應力與變化情形。本研究採「質性研究」並以「半結構性訪談」為資料蒐集方法,訪談三位曾有過尼特族生活經驗的青年,共蒐集到六份文本資料,以「主題分析法」進行 分析,提出「尼特族成為非尼特族的生涯適應力的變化」的文本分析,歸納出四項共同主題:一、生涯關注:從迷惘到明確;二、生涯控制:外在控制到內在控制;三、生涯好奇:從個人興趣到職涯發展;四、生涯信心:從喪失信心到迎接挑戰。研究者統整以上研究結果提出討論,期望能為協助尼特族青年的實務工作有所貢獻。


The purpose of the study was to explore the career adaptability in the career transition of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) becoming EETs. The research that used qualitative study and semistructual interview was conducted to collect six texts from three participants. The thematic analysis method was applied to analyze the texts into four common themes: (a) career concern: from disorientation to orientation, (b) career control: from external control to internal control, (c) career curiosity: from individual interests to career development, and (d) career confidence: from losing confidence to meeting life challenge. Through the investigation of this study, further discussion was provided. Hopefully, the study can contribute to practical work in helping NEETs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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