


"I" in the Dance: A Narrative Inquiry into How Dance and Movement Support a Middle-Aged Woman Survive the Sorrows of Losing Her Marriage




彭唯芳(Wei-Fang Peng);曾文志(Wen-Chih Tseng)


婚變 ; 舞動 ; 覺察 ; loss of marriage ; dance and movement ; awareness




28期(2015 / 06 / 01)


57 - 91






The purpose of this research aimed firstly to comprehend the experiences in the dance and movement action program which had supported the participant to survive and to transcend the sorrows of losing her marriage and secondly to explore the psychological mechanism causing the transformation. Narrative method was adopted in this research. The raw data was collected from the diaries and journals written by the participant while the action program was going on and the research text was organized and presented following time sequences surrounding specific thematic axes. In the phase of data analysis, conversations between the text and the literature was developed on the basis of Gestalt approach therapy, since after the text being repeatedly read, the theme "awareness" was recognized, the factor "figure" seemed indispensable and holism was believed by the researcher. Because the dance and movement in the action program unexpectedly helped the participant to get rid of shame, to cope with the losses, to re-construct the self-identity which originally had fallen apart after her divorce and thus to overall improve her damaged emotional, cognitive and social functions, the researchers anticipate that by sharing the findings, this research will be able to increase the psychological helpers' knowledge about how body can affect mind and to expand the theoretical foundations of dance and movement therapy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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