


Cultural Conflicts and Family Adjustment in Southeastern Asia International Marriages


陳志賢(Chih-Hsien Chen)


國際婚姻 ; 東南亞 ; 文化衝突 ; 家庭調適 ; international marriage ; Southeastern Asian spouses ; cultural conflict ; family adjustment




29期(2016 / 05 / 01)


87 - 116




本研究的目的是以國際婚姻家庭整體為單位,研究家庭中整體成員的互動與調適。其中包含臺灣先生、新移民配偶、公婆等主要家庭成員相互之間是如何適應、互動與化解衝突。本研究試圖對整個家庭系統中成員的相互適應有更深入的了解,以做為實務工作者在輔導與介入國際婚姻家庭時的參考。為達此目的,本研究採質性研究法,以配對研究法為資料收集與資料分析的方法,並使用MAXQDA 電腦軟體協助分析。訪談的對象則以家庭為單位,訪談主要的家庭成員,共訪談兩個不同的家庭,各四個成員。研究發現如下:1. 國際婚姻家庭的適應具有階段性,可分為婚姻醞釀階段(凝聚家庭共識)、結婚過程階段(法律上的結婚)、新婚適應階段(心理上的接納)、穩定生活階段(大家庭的延續)。2. 常見的國際婚姻家庭衝突內涵,主要是經濟問題、家人相處、子女管教、夫妻生活等。而影響衝突調適的因素則是語言溝通困難、夫家原有的家庭問題、經濟能力、子女出生、飲食與生活方式、夫妻感情等因素。3. 國際婚姻家庭的調適是以新移民配偶如何融入臺灣夫家的生活開始,而臺灣先生在新移民配偶與家人相處上扮演重要的調節角色,而家中原來的權力核心者,則是另一個對新移民配偶影響較大之人,國際婚姻夫妻會隨語言發展、相互了解信任、子女出生等因素而發展至不同的適應階段,家人的互動也會隨之調整。


This study is aimed at investigating, in the families of international marriage, the interaction, adjustment and conflict-solving among the main family members, including the Taiwanese husbands, their foreign spouses and their parents in this kind of marriage process. The family is regarded as a whole. This study tried to gain deep insight into the international family system with the hope of providing beneficial findings for counselors dealing with families of international marriage. To achieve the goal, this study adopted qualitative research method using grounded theory and matching approach to collect and analyze data. The MAXQDA software was used to assist data analysis. The interviewees, with a family as a unit, were the main members in the family. Two families were interviewed, with 4 members in each of them. The following were the findings: 1. There were stages in the adjusting process in families of international marriage, including marriage preparing stage, getting married process stage, newly-wed stage, and stable life stage. 2. Common conflicts in families of international marriage were economical problems, dealing with family, children discipline, and husband-wife life. The factors affecting their conflicts and adjustment were language communication problems, inherent problems in husband’s family, economical ability, child birth, diet and life style, and love between the couple. 3. Adjustment in families of international marriage started when the foreign spouse tried to get involved in her husband’s family life, and the Taiwanese husband played an important role when his wife was trying to get along with his family. The original dominator in these families were the other ones who had greater influences on the foreign spouses. The couple of international marriage would experience different adjustment stages with the development of factors such as language development, mutual understanding and trust, and child birth. And so will the whole family interaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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