


The Study of Community Care Workers' Impact and Coping Process in Crises Intervention Situation




鄭泓鎂(Hung-Mei Cheng);鄭麗芬(Li-Fen Cheng);李明峰(Ming-Feng Li)


社區關懷訪視員 ; 危機助人工作 ; 主題分析法 ; community care worker ; crisis intervention ; method of thematic analysis




32期(2018 / 12 / 01)


53 - 78






The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts and coping process of community care workers in crisis intervention situation, and the thrust to work as a community care worker continually in the future. The main study objects were five community care workers who have at least one and half a year of working experiences in this filed. The study was applied qualitative research in order to collect data with semi-structural interview, and then was analyze by method of thematic analysis. Based on researcher's interpretation to the original data, the impacts and coping process for community care workers who were facing the situation of crisis intervention could be concluded into five common subjects: (1) the contents of work were various and full of potential trouble, lack of support from external network. Oneself was challenged at work; (2) fighting with ones' lives struggle, individual's inner feeling was unease;(3) low working efficiency, mood swing, and personal life was disturbed by work; (4) self adjustment and bringing external sources; (5) keeping original intention and receiving the additional value that was brought in the difficult situation. Especially the subjects (5) would be the thrust to work as a community care worker continually in the future. At last, based on what discovered in this study, there were some advices and introspections for future studies and people who would practice in this work field.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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