


A study of Analysis the Effects of "Parent-Child Cooking" on Attachment in Adoptive Families




吳麗雲(Li-Yun Wu)


收養關係 ; 依附關係 ; 親子共廚 ; adoption relationship ; attachment ; Parent-Child Cooking




34期(2020 / 07 / 01)


57 - 79






This study is on the basis of Landreth's filial therapy training model. It attempted to combine two specialized fields: "life application " and "psychotherapy", in the hope of developing 10-week" Parent-Child Cooking" program to promote attachment and parenting skills in adoptive families. The Purpose of this study was to explore the effect and process of interaction between parents and adoptee in "Parent-Child Cooking" therapy. One-group pretest-posttest and process analyze were used in this study. Three adoptive families with adoptee were aged from 7 to 8 years old, via 10 hour (1Hr/week) "Parent-Child Cooking" with video recording. In addition, the program would be facilitated by a counselor. The counselor provide supervision for parents about interaction in " Parent-Child Cooking " 10 hour (1Hr/week). As the result of paired-sample t test and observations were examined by visual analysis to the Parent-Child Play Interaction Relationship Scale , Parental Skills Checklist and "Parent-Child Cooking" video. The main results included: a. "Parent-Child Cooking" promoted positive attachment between parents and children: On the subscale of the Parent-Child Play Interaction Relationship Scale, the engagement, challenge, and nurture post-tests had all significant improvement, while the structure was not significant, but it had shown an raising trend; b. "Parent-Child Cooking" could improve mothers' parenting skills:(a) mothers returned responsibility to children, enhanced self-esteem, and promoted children's spontaneity and confidence; (b) mothers reduced high-control and interference behaviors to children, thus reducing parent-child conflict. Based on the results of the study, the author provided recommendations for practitioners and future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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