


An Exploratory Study Constructing the Indicators of Supervision Behavior




籃瓊妙(Chiung-Miao Lan);連廷嘉(Ting-Chia Lien)


督導行為 ; 督導者 ; 受督導者 ; supervisory behavior ; supervisor ; supervisee




35期(2021 / 02 / 01)


29 - 45






The research aims to explore the supervisory behaviors of different styles, and to construct the indicators of supervisors' supervisory behavior. It adopts the modified Delphi technique as the research method, and uses the self-made questionnaire as the research tool to investigate the importance of supervision behaviors. Delphi group are ten experts and scholars with teaching and practical experience. They conducted two-round questionnaire survey to evaluate and screen the questions for seeking the consensus between experts. The standard for reserving questions is based on the Mean greater than 3.26 in the importance of each item. The consistency of opinions is based on the Quartile Deviation less than 0.5. (1) The results got 46 supervisory behaviors evaluation indicators in two aspects of supervisory behaviors which were supporting and direction. Supporting has three dimensions including empathy, rapport, and empowerment. Direction has two dimensions including direct teaching and guided reflection. A total of. (2) There were 11 in 46 indicators with the highest Mean score and 0 Quartile Deviation. It means a complete consensus among experts and shows that these indicators are the most importance in all dimensions. (3) There were 5 in 46 indicators with 0.5 Standard Deviation. It reflects the difference in the scoring the importance about these indicators among experts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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