


The Effects of Experiential Teaching on the Capability of Art Materials Applications and Emotion Regulation of College Students with Different Bases




陳志賢(Chih-Hsien Chen)


體驗教學 ; 藝術治療 ; 媒材使用 ; 情緒調節 ; Applications of Art Materials ; Emotion Regulation ; Art Therapy ; Experiential Teaching




37期(2022 / 10 / 01)


45 - 62






This research aims to develop a workable Art Therapy Curriculum Project through experiential teaching. It uses the Zuvio interactive software to increase its efficiency. Furthermore, this research evaluates its effects on enhancing the capabilities of applying art materials and emotion regulation of those participating students from different school systems. This study made use of pretest-posttest experimental design to test two groups. In the first group there are 31 juniors and seniors from 4 year college participating in this experiential project for one semester, 3 hours per week. The second group are composed of 11 graduate students from in-service master program. They participate in the same experiential teaching project through the same procedure in the same semester. Right from the start researchers exam the two group participants' capability of applying art materials and emotion regulation through The Applications of Art Materials Scale and Emotion Regulation. The data are compared separately according to each group with the posttest after the whole course. Regarding the capability of applying the expressive art materials, the total scores of posttest in both groups are higher than the pretest. However, only the college student group gets obviously higher scores of posttest in every categories. The graduate student group gets significantly higher scores of posttest only in the category of the attitude of applying art materials. This experiential teaching has comprehensive positive effect on emotion regulation in the college student group, especially in the category of emotional self-awareness. Nevertheless, for the in-service master program students the experiential teaching only has obvious positive effect in the categories of emotional self-awareness and emotion efficacy. This approves the efficiency of experiential art therapy teaching project to enhance the capability of emotion regulation of students in various school systems in different degrees. The effect on college students is more tremendous.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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