


The Study on the Relationships among Work Values, Family Support, and Job burnout for the Sheltered Workshop Professionals




莊智涵(Jhuang, Jhih-Han);賴陳秀慧(Lai, Sofia Hsiou-Huei)


庇護工場專業人員 ; 工作價值觀 ; 家庭支持 ; 職業倦怠 ; sheltered workshop professionals ; job values ; family support ; job burnout




37期(2022 / 10 / 01)


7 - 26






The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of work values, family support and job burnout for the sheltered workshop professionals. Also based on their gender, age, marriage, highest educations, and service years, compare differences among the work values, family support and job burnout. The relationships among work values, family support and job burnout for the sheltered workshop professionals were explored. At the same time, the work values and family support to predict the power of job burnout were analyzed. This study was conducted by the survey method. The collected 133 valid data were statistically analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple step-wise regressions. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The work values for the sheltered workshop professionals had reached the level of "medium-high", and the highest score was on the "material rewards"; the family support had reached the "moderately low" level, and the highest score was on the "emotional support"; the job burnout had reached a "moderately low" level, and the "emotional exhaustion" was the most felt burnout. 2. The married sheltered workshop professionals felt significantly support in the "affective support" aspect of family support than unmarried ones 3. The age under 25, 26-30 and 31-35 of the shelter workshop professionals, these three age groups had a higher level of the "depersonalization" aspect in the job burnout significantly more than those above the 41-year-old group. 4. The work experiences less than 6 years of the shelter workshop professionals had a feeling of "depersonalization" aspect in the job burnout significantly more than above 10 years of experience ones. 5. The sheltered workshop professionals among work value, family support and job burnout were significantly related. 6. The work values and the family support had significantly predictive power on the job burnout. There was 14.8% of the explanatory variation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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