


Case Study of Play Themes in Play Therapy with Physically Abused Children




賈士萱(Shih-Hsuan Ku);王孟心(Flahive Mon-Hsin Wang)


身體受虐兒童 ; 遊戲治療 ; 遊戲主題 ; physically abused children ; play therapy ; play theme




2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


65 - 84




本研究旨在瞭解身體受虐兒童在遊戲治療歷程中展現之遊戲主題、改變歷程、以及改變歷程中的共通性。研究對象為兩位身體受虐兒童,共分別進行了20次的遊戲治療。本研究採用質化研究的內容分析法,研究發現如下:一、 兩位身體受虐兒童皆出現探索、建立關係、精熟、控制、撫育及攻擊的遊戲主題。精熟主題出現頻率最高。探索、建立關係、撫育、控制與攻擊主題上,兩人出現的頻率有明顯的差異。二、 兩位身體受虐兒童的遊戲主題改變歷程不盡相同。一位兒童的遊戲主題改變歷程為先和諮商師建立關係,之後進入到能力感的養成,再滿足控制需求,最後回到能力感與控制的主題。而另一位兒童則為關係建立及撫育、精熟及控制主題循環交替出現。


The purpose of this study is to understand the play themes of physically abused children and the changing process of theses play themes from play therapy. Thirty-nine play therapy sessions of 2 physically abused children were transcribed, and the play themes in these sessions were analyzed.Six play themes were identified, including power/control, mastery/competence, exploratory, nurturance, relationship-building, and aggression. The main play theme is mastery/competence. A difference in frequency is apparent between the 2 children for power/control, exploratory, nurturance, relationship-building, and aggression.The changing process of the play themes is different between the 2 children. The relationship-building theme was initially demonstrated and changed to mastery/competence and power/control themes circulatively. The other child initially demonstrated the themes of relationship building and nurturance, and the themes of mastery/competence and power/ control followed. The relationship building, mastery/competence, and power/control themes were shown circulatively during the latter portion of therapy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 心理學
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