We explored the parent-child joint-cooking process and adopted the lab observation method, in which we selected 7 pairs of parent-child combinations for the study. We further divided the participants into a general parent group and a counselling background group to compare and contrast their differences to elucidate parent-child interaction during the joint-cooking process. The research tools used included a family scenario lab and audio-video equipment. After obtaining the research data, the analysis was primarily based on the principle of consensual qualitative analysis. A series of analyses disclosed a deeper comprehension of parent-child interaction behaviour through their joint-cooking process and identified parental behaviour as exerting positive parenthood effects. Using data analysis, this study observed 3 interaction patterns in parent-child cooking sessions, namely adult-centric, semi-child-centric, and child-centric. Each pattern consisted of explicit and implicit behaviours. The first pattern primarily demonstrated ”parent-dominated cooking,” with the implicit behaviour of ”parents secretly trying to exert control;” in the second interaction pattern, parents entrusted their children with the tasks of both cooks whilst partially authorising them to make decisions; the implicit behaviour in this case was ”the self-inhibition of parents.” Children dominated cooking in the child-centric pattern, with the implicit behaviour of ”parents focused on the children.” Based on the findings, we provide implications for parenting education within the local culture.
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