


The Therapeutic Factors and Risk Factors of Sexually Abused Children -- From the Viewpoints of Play Therapists




賴姳臻(Ming-Jhen Lai)


性侵害受害兒童 ; 遊戲治療師 ; 治療因子 ; 干擾因子 ; 紮根理論 ; sexual abused child ; play therapist ; the therapeutic factors ; the risk factor ; grounded theory




5期(2016 / 12 / 01)


17 - 45




本研究旨在探討曾經治療過性侵害受害兒童的遊戲治療師,其主觀認為在遊戲治療內部環境及在遊戲治療外部環境,促使產生療癒的治療因子,以及干擾療癒之干擾因子。本研究針對7 名遊戲治療師進行半結構式深度訪談,並以紮根理論進行資料分析。結果發現:治療室內有54 個治療因子及24 個干擾因子,治療室外有37 個治療因子及44 個干擾因子,並進一步歸納出13 個核心類別及4 個主要核心類別。具體而言:兒童療癒歷程為一生態觀點與各系統整合的合作機制。治療室內,物理與心理療癒條件俱足的治療室;擁有良好態度、特質與專業知能的治療師;生心理狀態、依附關係與自我強度高的兒童,及在治療過程中所產生的療癒歷程,均可增進療癒的發生。而治療室外,若兒童能離開受害環境、擁有良好正向功能的照顧者,且治療師能與具專業性的系統進行整合性團隊合作,可在治療室外創造有利的療癒空間。而妨礙療癒的因素則可分成環境因素、家庭因素、社會政策、司法、醫療層面等的功能不佳。本研究最後並提出對諮商實務工作者、相關單位及未來研究之建議。


The research aims to explore the perceptions of the therapeutic factors and risk factors for the sexually abused children from 7 play therapists. The researcher used semistructural in-depth interview and analyzed interview data with grounded theory approach. The results showed 54 therapeutic factors in the therapeutic process, 24 risk factors in the therapeutic process, 37 therapeutic process outside the therapy room, and 44 risk factors outside the therapy room, which were organized into 13 core categories and 4 main core categories. They were as follow: Children healing process of a cooperation mechanism for the ecological point of view and the systems integration. The therapeutic room, the physical and psychological healing the conditions are right therapeutic rooms; has a good attitude, character and professional knowledge of the therapist; children' mental states, attachment and self-strength, and therapy in the healing process generated more course, may promote healing to occur. The outdoor treatment room, if the child can leave the victim environment, with good forward function caregivers and therapists to work with a professional system integration team can create favorable healing outside the therapy room. The factors that can impede healing into environmental factors, familial factor, social policy factor, judicial factor and medical factor of the function. Some suggestions for counseling practice and future researches were addressed.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 心理學
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