


Therapeutic Process of a Sexual Abused Child's Play Behavior and Material Using in Play Therapy




施怡菱(Yi-Ling Shih)


性虐待受害兒童 ; 遊戲治療 ; 治療歷程 ; sexual abused child ; play therapy ; therapeutic process




5期(2016 / 12 / 01)


46 - 63




本研究旨在探討一位性虐待受害兒童在遊戲治療中,其遊戲行為歷程轉變。研究以參與觀察的方式,共觀察二十次之遊戲治療過程,最後根據觀察資料之結果進行分析,結果如下:一、 性虐待受害兒童在遊戲治療中經歷以下過程:(一)嘗試探索環境與媒材;(二)試探遊戲時間架構,與治療師建立關係;(三)經驗害怕情緒,尋求保護;發展照顧他人之撫慰行為;(四)展現控制與支配權,學習獨立完成任務;(五)處理憤怒與害怕情緒;(六)結束治療關係。二、 遊戲行為中最常出現為「撫慰」;「摸索」次之,後續依序為「外出」、「重建控制」、「矛盾」、「重複」、「演出生活事件」、「隱藏」、「性徵化」、「清潔」、「身體意象的表達」、「想外出」、「退化」與「隔絕」。最後,研究者依據研究結果發現,分別對性虐待受害兒童實務工作及未來相關研究提出具體建議。


This research aims to explore the therapeutic process of a sexually abused child, to examine her play behaviors in play therapy. The researcher observed 20 play therapy sessions, and analyzed the observational data, the findings are as follows: 1. The sexual abused child experienced following play process: (1) Explore the play room and play materials; (2) Test time limit, and establish relationship with play therapist; (3) Experience fear and seek for protection, and nurture others; (4) Develop controlling power, achieve the task alone under the therapist's encouragement; (5) Learn to deal properly with her anger and fear: (6)Termination. 2. The most frequent play behaviors is "Nurturing," others are: "Exploration," "Aggression," "Going outside," "Reestablishing control," "Ambivalence," "Repeat," "Acting out real life," "Hiding," "Sexualization," "Cleaning," "Expressing body image," "Intending to go outside," "Isolation," and "Regression." Specific suggestions for therapists working with sexual abused children and researches in the future are addressed.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 心理學
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