


A Usability Study of Jobsite Layout




王郁青(Yu-Ching Wang);岳修平(Hsiu-Ping Yueh)


人力網站 ; 可使用性 ; 設計準則 ; Job website ; Usability test ; Design guidelines




104期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 15






This study investigated whether the layout design of the job website homepage affected users' attitude and behaviors. The user experiment and the usability evaluation were conducted and 48 participants were recruited to evaluate three different layout designs of homepage that were in-house developed. The result of the study suggested that long page with complete information was most preferred by the users, while users' satisfaction was affected by different layout designs of homepage and individual experiences of internet use. Based on the findings, design guidelines for job search websites were suggested for future studies and applications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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