
國小教師ICT融入教學現況之研究-從Larry Cuban 對科技的教育觀點


ICT Integration in the Primary Classroom in Taiwan-A Study with Larry Cuban's Educatinal Perspectives on Technology




饒世妙(Shih-Miao Jao)


Larry Cuban對科技的教育觀點 ; 國民小學教師 ; ICT ; ICT融入教學 ; Larry Cuban's educational perspectives on technology ; Primary teachers ; ICT ; ICT integration in teaching




104期(2013 / 06 / 01)


53 - 83




本研究主旨在調查國內小學教師實施ICT融入教學的現況,透過現況調查結果與Larry Cuban對科技的教育觀點做對比,藉以瞭解近10年來教育部推動ICT教育政策的結果是否如Cuban當年研究的結果一致。研究是以全國公立小學教師為研究樣本,透過問卷調查方法實施。研究結果發現:(一)七成以上教師對教室ICT設備的滿意度中上程度,而E 化專科教室則是過度銷售低度使用;(二)教師不是科技恐懼者,ICT技術的支援需求低,而獲得支援程度高;(三)ICT使用仍有性別、經驗差異,ICT專科教室使用存在城鄉及學校規模差異;(四)教師對ICT政策回應緩慢,電子教科書對老師ICT 融入教學有高度影響;(五)教師實施ICT融入教學層次偏低,仍以支持其既有教學方式為主;(六)ICT在教學過程中重要性可期。根據研究結果,提出四點作為ICT育推動的建議:(一)學校應擴大教師參與,提升ICT設備的適切性與滿意度;(二)建立ICT專業學習社群,縮小性別、融入設計經驗、城鄉與學校規模差距(三)推動ICT融入教學能力指標化,促進ICT高層次應用實踐能力(四)面對不如預期的結果,未來可進一步探究影響教師實施ICT融入教學之因素。


This study investigates the ICT integrated teaching as adopted by primary teachers in local schools. With Larry Cuban's educational perspectives on technology, it examines the ICT integration policy which has been promoted by the Ministry of Education over the last ten years. A questionnaire is given to primary teachers in public schools nationwide. The findings are summarized below. (1) More than 70% teachers' satisfaction level in ICT facilities is mid-high. E-classrooms are excessively equipped but rarely used. (2) Teachers are not technophobic. They require low ICT technical supports and exhibit high degree of support for ICT use. (3) There are differences in gender and experiences when teachers use ICT in their classrooms. The use of E-classrooms varies in terms of the size and geographical location of the school. (4) Teachers adapts to the ICT integration policy at a slow pace. E-textbooks are highly influential to their ICT integration teaching. (5) Teachers uphold routine classroom pedagogical practices. Their use of ICT facilities is but limited. (6) The importance of ICT integration in teaching is expected to grow in the future. This study wraps up with four suggestions. (1) Teachers' involvement in the ICT policy-making process should be expanded. Schools should improve teachers' satisfaction and proper use of the ICT facilities. (2) Establishing a professional learning community for ICT teaching would help bridge the gap between gender, integration competence and urban rural schools. (3) Setting up performance indicators for ICT integrated teaching would help develop a higher level of application capability. (4) The reasons why teachsers adopt ICT integrated teaching are yet to be explored in future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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