


Students' Perceptions of Synchronizing Video Activities in Online Learning




李佳玲(Jia-Ling Lee);陳白云(Bai-Yun Chen)


數位學習 ; 同步視訊活動 ; 探究社群 ; 高等教育 ; Online learning ; Synchronizing video activities ; Community of inquiry ; Higher education




105期(2013 / 09 / 01)


1 - 19




本研究以傳播領域數位碩士在職課程為例,探討同步視訊教學活動對於學生在數 學習環境下的學習體驗及滿意度看法。Garrison、Anderson 與Archer(2001, 2010)所發展的探究社群(Community of Inquiry, COI)為本研究所採用的研究架構,搭配質化訪談及問卷等研究工具來搜集資料。研究結果顯示學生普遍肯定同步視訊活動可以提升數位學習的學習體驗,包含學習的彈性、互動性、以及主動性等等。以探究社群檢視後,同步視訊活動可以提升教學臨場感與社群臨場感的發展,認知臨場感也可以有不錯的表現。本研究結果擬提供研究數位學習人士或現場教學教師,如何運用及規劃同步視訊活 動在數位學習課程中的建議與參考。


This study was designed to examine the learners' experiences and satisfactions in online synchronizing video activities (SVA). Participants are graduate students from Taiwan. Students' learning satisfactions, experiences and perspectives were discussed using the framework of community of inquiry. The results showed that students were satisfied with teaching, social, and cognitive presence during the online SVA. Other findings covered the advantages, issues and design considerations of using SVA in online instruction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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