


Constructs and Composed Items of Career e-Portfolio for Employees in Enterprises: Using AHP Approach




張基成(Chi-Cheng Chang);薛亦倩(Yi-Chien Hsueh)


生涯資訊系統 ; 生涯歷程檔案 ; 數位化歷程檔案 ; 組成項目 ; 構面 ; Career information system ; Career portfolio ; Composed item ; Construct ; e-Portfolio




106期(2013 / 12 / 01)


1 - 21






Career e-portfolios have drawn much attention from educational setting. However, enterprises have not yet payed attention on them. Therefore, this study thought about how to incorporate career e-portfolios from schools into enterprises. The first step is to let enterprises understand the contents of an employee career e-portfolio. This study aimed to identify the constructs and composed items of employee career e-portfolios in enterprises as well as their weight. The modified Delphi method was used to integrate 10 professionals' comments to find critical constructs and composed items. Then The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to compute their weights. The consistences between 10 professionals on two rounds of the modified Delphi method were 92% and 100%. The consistence index among the constructs and the consistence ratios among composed items in each construct were all smaller than 0.1, meaning the adequate consistences existed. Finally six constructs based on the order of the weights from high to low were career process, communication and feedback, career exploration, corporate resource, learning process and self-marketing. There were totally 33 composed items. The first three items based on the order of the weights from high to low were performance feedback, participation in important projects and special contribution.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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