


Enlighten Children's Reading: Analysis of Manifestations and Functions of Animals and Plants Picture Books




周穆謙(Mu-Chien Chou);黃靖原(Ching-Yuan Huang);溫孟瑀(Meng-Yu Wun)


動植物 ; 兒童圖書 ; 表現形式 ; 圖像功能 ; Animals and plants ; Children's picture books ; Functions of pictures ; Manifestations of pictures




110期(2015 / 04 / 01)


19 - 40






The purpose of animals and plants picture books is to effectively deliver popular scientific knowledge to kids, and make them easier to absorb through various manifestations and functions of pictures. Especially for the kids who are too young and still unable to understand knowledge by written words, pictures are the primary carriers to make them realize contents. By using Content Analysis, the research induced manifestations and functions of animals and plants picture books in order to recognize different structures and meanings of contexts in pictures. The pictures researchers collected were from animals and plants picture books published between 1994 and 2006 and available in Taiwan. The research discovered that there are main three manifestations, including painting, photo and caricature, and functions can be classified into 8 categories, including record, display, illustration, decoration, attraction, comparison, action leading and scene building. To be beneficial to kids' learning and digesting, the results from the research, to some extent, can provide design directions and references for illustrators, picture designers and related researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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