


The Trend Analysis of E-Book Research in Library and Information Studies




胡德佳(Hu, Te-Chia);林維真(Lin, Weijane)


電子書 ; 趨勢分析 ; 書目計量 ; E-book ; Trend analysis ; Bibliometrics




116期(2017 / 06 / 30)


49 - 71




2010 年被視為「電子書元年」,各項閱讀科技、載具以及數位內容發展也進入成熟階段,本研究以電子書研究趨勢為主軸,針對電子書相關文獻最初出現的1980 年代到2010 年共30 年間的所有研究論文,進行趨勢的分析,以書目計量及內容分析法深入瞭解電子書研究的重要議題與脈絡發展,期能為電子書發展趨勢提供文獻研究上的支持,並進一步歸納未來可能的發展方向。研究結果反映電子書研究發展處於起步趨向平穩成長的階段,各種利害關係人都由觀望逐漸轉為參與的態度,推論未來電子書研究的發展方向也將由基礎研究轉為應用問題導向。


The research field of ebook has faced its first transforming period. While 2010 is recognized as the first year of the ebook era by publishers, vendors and stakeholders, it is believed that the general development of the ebook industry is getting steady and ready for the next burst of innovations. In this vein, the present study summarizes a quantitative synthesis of studies of ebook in the past 30 years, it examines the critical issues, trends and context of ebook research to form a theoretically solid basis that explains the ebookrelated practices. These results reflect the transformation of ebook studies from the initial stage to the stably growth, stakeholders including the libraries, publishers and information institutions are getting to actively take part in the ebook business. It is also forecasted that the future trend of ebook studies shall step forward to more application- and problem-oriented ways, practical issues that benefits the practice directly, such as the format, regulation and usage will get more and more attention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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