


A Study of Conversation Scenarios, Sticker Types and Social Presence in LINE




顏亦敏(Yen, Yi-min);李峻德(Lee, Jiunde)


LINE貼圖 ; 社會臨場感 ; 非語言線索 ; 對話情境 ; LINE sticker ; Social presence ; Non-verbal cues ; Conversation scenarios




119期(2018 / 12 / 31)


1 - 13






As the rapid growth of online communication technology, non-verbal cues have evolved in various forms particularly in the computer-mediated communication (CMC) environment. LINE, one of the most dominant Instance Messaging (IM) applications in Taiwan, provides varied stickers which are not just the extensions of icons but possess impressive power to facilitate interactions and to transmit the non-verbal cues emotionally. A two-stage research procedure was applied to investigate how different conversation scenarios and sticker types might affect the user's social presence. The results show that 1. The impact of stickers usage toward the user's perception of social presence was positively significant; 2. Users tended to use different types of stickers based on different conversation scenarios; 3. Users felt a higher perception level of social presence in task-oriented scenarios than in the socio-emotional scenario; 4. Not just the perceptional elements of social presence, the interpretations of different types of LINE stickers will also be varied because of the impacts of different conversation scenarios.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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