


Concept Mapping to Support Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing




楊肅健(Yang, Su-Jian);薛為蓮(Hsueh, Wei-Lian)


說明文 ; 概念構圖 ; 寫作認知策略教學 ; Expository essay ; Concept mapping ; Cognitive strategy instruction in writing




120期(2019 / 06 / 30)


17 - 33




本研究探討概念構圖軟體輔助寫作認知策略教學(cognitive strategy instruction in writing, CSIW),對國小學童說明文的寫作表現與態度之影響,以準實驗設計進行研究。研究對象為某國小五年級三個班共67位學童,依據不同教學法分成二組實驗組和控制組進行實驗。實驗組第一組在教室內建置行動學習環境,施行平板電腦概念構圖軟體輔助寫作認知策略進行教學。實驗組第二組在教室內實施紙筆概念構圖輔助寫作認知策略進行教學。控制組在教室內進行寫作認知策略教學。研究結果顯示:一、平板電腦概念構圖輔助CSIW在國小學童的說明文寫作表現優於紙筆概念構圖CSIW和控制組;二、在學習態度方面,以平板電腦概念構圖輔助CSIW優於紙筆概念構圖輔助CSIW;三、從「結構組織」表現量化分析可推論出平板電腦概念構圖輔助CSIW組和紙筆概念構圖CSIW組表現均優於控制組。


The purpose of this research was to demonstrate how using a concept mapping software program can help support the Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW) for primary school children, specifically on expository essay writing. The research was conducted using a quasi-experimental research design, consisting of 67 fifth-grade students, divided into three groups. The first group used PC tablets with a concept mapping software program included to support CSIW. The second group implemented concept mapping strategies to support CSIW. The third group embodied the use of CSIW in the regular classroom. After the experiments, the findings are as follows: 1. the group using PC tablets with a concept mapping strategy software program to support CSIW did better in expository writing than the second and third groups; 2. The first group exhibited better learning attitudes than the second group; and 3. in terms of the performance of "organizational structure" in writing, the first and second groups scored better than the third group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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